21 And it shall be a perpetual statute unto them, that he that sprinkleth the water of separation shall wash his clothes; and he that toucheth the water of separation shall be unclean until even.
wash (13)clothes (13)scriptures relating to (13)bathe (12)h7364 (12)rachats (12)רָחַץ (12)leviticus (11)sanitation (11)contagion (10)leviticus 15 (10)purifications (10)venereal diseases (10)of individuals who were ceremonially unclean (10)h5060 (8)naga` (8)toucheth (8)defilement (8)נָגַע (8)touching anything defiled by an issue (6)more...
zuwb (4)h2100 (4)issue (4)זוּב (4)basar (3)flesh (3)h1320 (3)evening (3)numbers (3)numbers 19 (3)red heifer (3)menstruation (3)of separation (3)בָּשַׂר (3)law relating to (3)all defiled persons uncleaned until evening (3)bed (2)sat (2)kliy (2)clean (2)h3427 (2)h3627 (2)h4904 (2)thing (2)yashab (2)mishkab (2)ablution (2)of priest (2)of priests (2)יָשַׁב (2)
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