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a primitive root; to pull off; hence (intensively) to strip, (reflex.) to depart; by implication, to deliver, equip (for fight); present, strengthen:--arm (self), (go, ready) armed (X man, soldier), deliver, draw out, make fat, loose, (ready) prepared, put off, take away, withdraw self.

  1. to remove, draw out, draw off, take off, withdraw, equip (for war), arm for war, rescue, be rescued
    1. (Qal) equipped (participle)
    2. (Niphal)
      1. to be equipped
      2. to go equipped
      3. to be armed
    3. (Hiphil)
      1. to make strong, brace up
      2. to invigorate
  2. to draw off or out, withdraw
    1. (Qal)
      1. to draw, draw off
      2. to withdraw
    2. (Niphal)
      1. to be delivered
      2. to be saved
    3. (Piel)
      1. to pull out, tear out
      2. to rescue, deliver, set free
      3. to take away, plunder

Strong's Number H2502 Bible Verses





a primitive root; to bear young; causatively, to beget; medically, to act as midwife; specifically, to show lineage:--bear, beget, birth((-day)), born, (make to) bring forth (children, young), bring up, calve, child, come, be delivered (of a child), time of delivery, gender, hatch, labour, (do the office of a) midwife, declare pedigrees, be the son of, (woman in, woman that) travail(-eth, -ing woman).

  1. to bear, bring forth, beget, gender, travail
    1. (Qal)
      1. to bear, bring forth 1a
    2. of child birth 1a
    3. of distress (simile) 1a
    4. of wicked (behaviour)
      1. to beget
    5. (Niphal) to be born
    6. (Piel)
      1. to cause or help to bring forth
      2. to assist or tend as a midwife
      3. midwife (participle)
    7. (Pual) to be born
    8. (Hiphil)
      1. to beget (a child)
      2. to bear (fig. - of wicked bringing forth iniquity)
    9. (Hophal) day of birth, birthday (infinitive)
    10. (Hithpael) to declare one's birth (pedigree)

Strong's Number H3205 Bible Verses





a primitive root; properly, to be open, wide or free, i.e. (by implication) to be safe; causatively, to free or succor:--X at all, avenging, defend, deliver(-er), help, preserve, rescue, be safe, bring (having) salvation, save(-iour), get victory.

  1. to save, be saved, be delivered
    1. (Niphal)
      1. to be liberated, be saved, be delivered
      2. to be saved (in battle), be victorious
    2. (Hiphil)
      1. to save, deliver
      2. to save from moral troubles
      3. to give victory to

Strong's Number H3467 Bible Verses





a denominative from H4043; properly, to shield; encompass with; figuratively, to rescue, to hand safely over (i.e. surrender):--deliver.

  1. (Piel) to deliver up, give, deliver

Strong's Number H4042 Bible Verses





a primitive root; properly, to be smooth, i.e. (by implication) to escape (as if by slipperiness); causatively, to release or rescue; specifically, to bring forth young, emit sparks:--deliver (self), escape, lay, leap out, let alone, let go, preserve, save, × speedily, × surely.

  1. to slip away, escape, deliver, save, be delivered
    1. (Niphal)
      1. to slip away
      2. to escape
      3. to be delivered
    2. (Piel)
      1. to lay, let slip out (of eggs)
      2. to let escape
      3. to deliver, save (life)
    3. (Hiphil)
      1. to give birth to
      2. to deliver
    4. (Hithpael)
      1. to slip forth, slip out, escape
      2. to escape

Strong's Number H4422 Bible Verses





a primitive root; to sunder, i.e. (transitively) set apart, or (reflex.) apostatize:--commit, deliver.

  1. to set apart, deliver up, offer
    1. (Qal) to set apart
    2. (Niphal) to be delivered over, be assigned to, be set apart

Strong's Number H4560 Bible Verses





a primitive root; properly, to come forth to, i.e. appear or exist; transitively, to attain, i.e. find or acquire; figuratively, to occur, meet or be present:--+ be able, befall, being, catch, × certainly, (cause to) come (on, to, to hand), deliver, be enough (cause to) find(-ing, occasion, out), get (hold upon), × have (here), be here, hit, be left, light (up-)on, meet (with), × occasion serve, (be) present, ready, speed, suffice, take hold on.

  1. to find, attain to
    1. (Qal)
      1. to find 1a
    2. to find, secure, acquire, get (thing sought) 1a
    3. to find (what is lost) 1a
    4. to meet, encounter 1a
    5. to find (a condition) 1a
    6. to learn, devise
      1. to find out 1a
    7. to find out 1a
    8. to detect 1a
    9. to guess
      1. to come upon, light upon 1a
    10. to happen upon, meet, fall in with 1a
    11. to hit 1a
    12. to befall
    13. (Niphal)
      1. to be found 1b
    14. to be encountered, be lighted upon, be discovered 1b
    15. to appear, be recognised 1b
    16. to be discovered, be detected 1b
    17. to be gained, be secured
      1. to be, be found 1b
    18. to be found in 1b
    19. to be in the possession of 1b
    20. to be found in (a place), happen to be 1b
    21. to be left (after war) 1b
    22. to be present 1b
    23. to prove to be 1b
    24. to be found sufficient, be enough
    25. (Hiphil)
      1. to cause to find, attain
      2. to cause to light upon, come upon, come
      3. to cause to encounter
      4. to present (offering)

Strong's Number H4672 Bible Verses





a primitive root; properly, to scrutinize, i.e. look intently at; hence (with recognition implied), to acknowledge, be acquainted with, care for, respect, revere, or (with suspicion implied), to disregard, ignore, be strange toward, reject, resign, dissimulate (as if ignorant or disowning):--acknowledge, × could, deliver, discern, dissemble, estrange, feign self to be another, know, take knowledge (notice), perceive, regard, (have) respect, behave (make) self strange(-ly).

  1. to recognise, acknowledge, know, respect, discern, regard
    1. (Niphal) to be recognised
    2. (Piel) to regard
    3. (Hiphil)
      1. to regard, observe, pay attention to, pay regard to, notice
      2. to recognise (as formerly known), perceive
      3. to be willing to recognise or acknowledge, acknowledge with honour
      4. to be acquainted with
      5. to distinguish, understand
    4. (Hithpael) to make oneself known
  2. to act or treat as foreign or strange, disguise, misconstrue
    1. (Niphal) to disguise oneself
    2. (Piel)
      1. to treat as foreign (profane)
      2. to misconstrue
    3. (Hithpael)
      1. to act as alien
      2. to disguise oneself

Strong's Number H5234 Bible Verses





a primitive root; to snatch away, whether in a good or a bad sense:- × at all, defend, deliver (self), escape, × without fail, part, pluck, preserve, recover, rescue, rid, save, spoil, strip, × surely, take (out).

  1. to snatch away, deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder
    1. (Niphal)
      1. to tear oneself away, deliver oneself
      2. to be torn out or away, be delivered
    2. (Piel)
      1. to strip off, spoil
      2. to deliver
    3. (Hiphil)
      1. to take away, snatch away
      2. to rescue, recover
      3. to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death)
      4. to deliver from sin and guilt
    4. (Hophal) to be plucked out
    5. (Hithpael) to strip oneself

Strong's Number H5337 Bible Verses





a primitive root; to give, used with greatest latitude of application (put, make, etc.):--add, apply, appoint, ascribe, assign, × avenge, × be ((healed)), bestow, bring (forth, hither), cast, cause, charge, come, commit, consider, count, + cry, deliver (up), direct, distribute, do, × doubtless, × without fail, fasten, frame, × get, give (forth, over, up), grant, hang (up), × have, × indeed, lay (unto charge, up), (give) leave, lend, let (out), + lie, lift up, make, + O that, occupy, offer, ordain, pay, perform, place, pour, print, × pull , put (forth), recompense, render, requite, restore, send (out), set (forth), shew, shoot forth (up), + sing, + slander, strike, (sub-)mit, suffer, × surely, × take, thrust, trade, turn, utter, + weep, + willingly, + withdraw, + would (to) God, yield.

  1. to give, put, set
    1. (Qal)
      1. to give, bestow, grant, permit, ascribe, employ, devote, consecrate, dedicate, pay wages, sell, exchange, lend, commit, entrust, give over, deliver up, yield produce, occasion, produce, requite to, report, mention, utter, stretch out, extend
      2. to put, set, put on, put upon, set, appoint, assign, designate
      3. to make, constitute
    2. (Niphal)
      1. to be given, be bestowed, be provided, be entrusted to, be granted to, be permitted, be issued, be published, be uttered, be assigned
      2. to be set, be put, be made, be inflicted
    3. (Hophal)
      1. to be given, be bestowed, be given up, be delivered up
      2. to be put upon

Strong's Number H5414 Bible Verses





a primitive root; to shut up; figuratively, to surrender:--close up, deliver (up), give over (up), inclose, × pure, repair, shut (in, self, out, up, up together), stop, × straitly.

  1. to shut, close
    1. (Qal)
      1. to shut
      2. to close, close up
      3. closed up, closely joined, shut up
    2. (Niphal)
      1. to be shut up
      2. to be shut or closed
    3. (Piel) to shut up, deliver up
    4. (Pual) to be shut up
    5. (Hiphil)
      1. to deliver up
      2. to shut up, imprison

Strong's Number H5462 Bible Verses





a primitive root; to cross over; used very widely of any transition (literal or figurative; transitive, intransitive, intensive, causative); specifically, to cover (in copulation):--alienate, alter, × at all, beyond, bring (over, through), carry over, (over-)come (on, over), conduct (over), convey over, current, deliver, do away, enter, escape, fail, gender, get over, (make) go (away, beyond, by, forth, his way, in, on, over, through), have away (more), lay, meddle, overrun, make partition, (cause to, give, make to, over) pass(-age, along, away, beyond, by, -enger, on, out, over, through), (cause to, make) + proclaim(-amation), perish, provoke to anger, put away, rage, + raiser of taxes, remove, send over, set apart, + shave, cause to (make) sound, × speedily, × sweet smelling, take (away), (make to) transgress(-or), translate, turn away, (way-)faring man, be wrath.

  1. to pass over or by or through, alienate, bring, carry, do away, take, take away, transgress
    1. (Qal)
      1. to pass over, cross, cross over, pass over, march over, overflow, go over
      2. to pass beyond
      3. to pass through, traverse 1a
    2. passers-through (participle) 1a
    3. to pass through (the parts of victim in covenant)
      1. to pass along, pass by, overtake and pass, sweep by 1a
    4. passer-by (participle) 1a
    5. to be past, be over
      1. to pass on, go on, pass on before, go in advance of, pass along, travel, advance
      2. to pass away 1a
    6. to emigrate, leave (one's territory) 1a
    7. to vanish 1a
    8. to perish, cease to exist 1a
    9. to become invalid, become obsolete (of law, decree) 1a
    10. to be alienated, pass into other hands
    11. (Niphal) to be crossed
    12. (Piel) to impregnate, cause to cross
    13. (Hiphil)
      1. to cause to pass over, cause to bring over, cause to cross over, make over to, dedicate, devote
      2. to cause to pass through
      3. to cause to pass by or beyond or under, let pass by
      4. to cause to pass away, cause to take away
    14. (Hithpael) to pass over

Strong's Number H5674 Bible Verses





a primitive root; to sever, i.e. ransom; gener. to release, preserve:--X at all, deliver, × by any means, ransom, (that are to be, let be) redeem(-ed), rescue, × surely.

  1. to ransom, redeem, rescue, deliver
    1. (Qal) to ransom
    2. (Niphal) to be ransomed
    3. (Hiphil) to allow one to be ransomed
    4. (Hophal) redeemed

Strong's Number H6299 Bible Verses





a primitive root; to slip out, i.e. escape; causatively, to deliver:--calve, carry away safe, deliver, (cause to) escape.

  1. to escape, save, deliver, slip away
    1. (Qal) to escape
    2. (Piel)
      1. to bring into security, deliver
      2. to cause to escape, cast forth
      3. to be delivered
      4. to slip away
    3. (Hiphil) to bring into security, bring to safety

Strong's Number H6403 Bible Verses

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