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probably akin to G142; to take for oneself, i.e. to prefer:--choose. Some of the forms are borrowed from a cognate hellomai hel'-lom-ahee; which is otherwise obsolete.

  1. to take for oneself, to prefer, choose
  2. to choose by vote, elect to office

Strong's Number G138 Bible Verses





perhaps from G1 (as a negative particle) and the base of G3313; properly, to miss the mark (and so not share in the prize), i.e. (figuratively) to err, especially (morally) to sin:--for your faults, offend, sin, trespass.

  1. to be without a share in
  2. to miss the mark
  3. to err, be mistaken
  4. to miss or wander from the path of uprightness and honour, to do or go wrong
  5. to wander from the law of God, violate God's law, sin

Strong's Number G264 Bible Verses





from G473 and G2476; to stand against, i.e. oppose:--resist, withstand.

  1. to set one's self against, to withstand, resist, oppose
  2. to set against

Strong's Number G436 Bible Verses





from G303 and G2476; to stand up (literal or figurative, transitive or intransitive):--arise, lift up, raise up (again), rise (again), stand up(-right).

  1. to cause to rise up, raise up
    1. raise up from laying down
    2. to raise up from the dead
    3. to raise up, cause to be born, to cause to appear, bring forward
  2. to rise, stand up
    1. of persons lying down, of persons lying on the ground
    2. of persons seated
    3. of those who leave a place to go elsewhere
      1. of those who prepare themselves for a journey
    4. of the dead
  3. at arise, appear, stand forth
    1. of kings prophets, priests, leaders of insurgents
    2. of those about to enter into conversation or dispute with anyone, or to undertake some business, or attempt something against others
    3. to rise up against any one

Strong's Number G450 Bible Verses





from G575 and G2572; to take off the cover, i.e. disclose:--reveal.

  1. to uncover, lay open what has been veiled or covered up
    1. disclose, make bare
  2. to make known, make manifest, disclose what before was unknown

Strong's Number G601 Bible Verses





from G575 and the middle voice of otheo or otho (to shove); to push off, figuratively, to reject:--cast away, put away (from), thrust away (from).

  1. to thrust away, push away, repel
  2. to thrust away from one's self, to drive away from one's self
    1. repudiate, reject, refuse

Strong's Number G683 Bible Verses





from G575 and hiemi (to send; an intensive form of eimi, to go); to send forth, in various applications (as follow):--cry, forgive, forsake, lay aside, leave, let (alone, be, go, have), omit, put (send) away, remit, suffer, yield up.

  1. to send away
    1. to bid going away or depart
      1. of a husband divorcing his wife
    2. to send forth, yield up, to expire
    3. to let go, let alone, let be
      1. to disregard
      2. to leave, not to discuss now, (a topic) 1c
  2. of teachers, writers and speakers
      1. to omit, neglect
    1. to let go, give up a debt, forgive, to remit
    2. to give up, keep no longer
  3. to permit, allow, not to hinder, to give up a thing to a person
  4. to leave, go way from one
    1. in order to go to another place
    2. to depart from any one
    3. to depart from one and leave him to himself so that all mutual claims are abandoned
    4. to desert wrongfully
    5. to go away leaving something behind
    6. to leave one by not taking him as a companion
    7. to leave on dying, leave behind one
    8. to leave so that what is left may remain, leave remaining
    9. abandon, leave destitute

Strong's Number G863 Bible Verses





a prolonged form of a primary verb; to "know" (absolutely) in a great variety of applications and with many implications (as follow, with others not thus clearly expressed):--allow, be aware (of), feel, (have) know(-ledge), perceived, be resolved, can speak, be sure, understand.

  1. to learn to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel
    1. to become known
  2. to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of
    1. to understand
    2. to know
  3. Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between a man and a woman
  4. to become acquainted with, to know

Strong's Number G1097 Bible Verses





from G1223 and G3007; to leave off in the middle, i.e. intermit:--cease.

  1. to interpose a delay, to intermit, leave off for a time something already begun

Strong's Number G1257 Bible Verses





from G1223 and G5021; to arrange thoroughly, i.e. (specially) institute, prescribe, etc.:--appoint, command, give, (set in) order, ordain.

  1. to arrange, appoint, ordain, prescribe, give order

Strong's Number G1299 Bible Verses





a prolonged form of a primary verb (which is used as an alternative in most of the tenses); to give (used in a very wide application, properly, or by implication, literally or figuratively; greatly modified by the connection):--adventure, bestow, bring forth, commit, deliver (up), give, grant, hinder, make, minister, number, offer, have power, put, receive, set, shew, smite (+ with the hand), strike (+ with the palm of the hand), suffer, take, utter, yield.

  1. to give
  2. to give something to someone
    1. of one's own accord to give one something, to his advantage
      1. to bestow a gift
    2. to grant, give to one asking, let have
    3. to supply, furnish, necessary things
    4. to give over, deliver
      1. to reach out, extend, present
      2. of a writing
      3. to give over to one's care, intrust, commit 2d
    5. something to be administered 2d
    6. to give or commit to some one something to be religiously observed
    7. to give what is due or obligatory, to pay: wages or reward
    8. to furnish, endue
  3. to give
    1. to cause, profuse, give forth from one's self
      1. to give, hand out lots
    2. to appoint to an office
    3. to cause to come forth, i.e. as the sea, death and Hell are said to give up the dead who have been engulfed or received by them
    4. to give one to someone as his own
      1. as an object of his saving care
      2. to give one to someone, to follow him as a leader and master
      3. to give one to someone to care for his interests
      4. to give one to someone to whom he already belonged, to return
  4. to grant or permit one
    1. to commission

Strong's Number G1325 Bible Verses





probably akin to the base of G58 (through the idea of collecting one's faculties); to waken (transitively or intransitively), i.e. rouse (literally, from sleep, from sitting or lying, from disease, from death; or figuratively, from obscurity, inactivity, ruins, nonexistence):--awake, lift (up), raise (again, up), rear up, (a-)rise (again, up), stand, take up.

  1. to arouse, cause to rise
    1. to arouse from sleep, to awake
    2. to arouse from the sleep of death, to recall the dead to life
    3. to cause to rise from a seat or bed etc.
    4. to raise up, produce, cause to appear
      1. to cause to appear, bring before the public
      2. to raise up, stir up, against one
      3. to raise up i.e. cause to be born
      4. of buildings, to raise up, construct, erect

Strong's Number G1453 Bible Verses





a primary verb; used only in certain past tenses, the others being borrowed from the equivalent G3700 and G3708; properly, to see (literally or figuratively); by implication, (in the perfect tense only) to know:--be aware, behold, × can (+ not tell), consider, (have) know(-ledge), look (on), perceive, see, be sure, tell, understand, wish, wot. Compare G3700.

  1. to see
    1. to perceive with the eyes
    2. to perceive by any of the senses
    3. to perceive, notice, discern, discover
    4. to see
      1. i.e. to turn the eyes, the mind, the attention to anything
      2. to pay attention, observe
      3. to see about something 1d
  2. i.e. to ascertain what must be done about it
      1. to inspect, examine
      2. to look at, behold
    1. to experience any state or condition
    2. to see i.e. have an interview with, to visit
  3. to know
    1. to know of anything
    2. to know, i.e. get knowledge of, understand, perceive
      1. of any fact
      2. the force and meaning of something which has definite meaning
      3. to know how, to be skilled in
    3. to have regard for one, cherish, pay attention to (1Th. 5:12)

Strong's Number G1492 Bible Verses





from G1519 and G2064; to enter (literally or figuratively):--X arise, come (in, into), enter in(-to), go in (through).

  1. to go out or come in: to enter
    1. of men or animals, as into a house or a city
    2. of Satan taking possession of the body of a person
    3. of things: as food, that enters into the eater's mouth
  2. metaph.
    1. of entrance into any condition, state of things, society, employment
      1. to arise, come into existence, begin to be
      2. of men, to come before the public
      3. to come into life
    2. of thoughts that come into the mind

Strong's Number G1525 Bible Verses





middle voice from G1537 and G3004 (in its primary sense); to select:--make choice, choose (out), chosen.

  1. to pick out, choose, to pick or choose out for one's self
    1. choosing one out of many, i.e. Jesus choosing his disciples
    2. choosing one for an office
    3. of God choosing whom he judged fit to receive his favours and separated from the rest of mankind to be peculiarly his own and to be attended continually by his gracious oversight
      1. i.e. the Israelites
    4. of God the Father choosing Christians, as those whom he set apart from the irreligious multitude as dear unto himself, and whom he has rendered, through faith in Christ, citizens in the Messianic kingdom: (James 2:5) so that the ground of the choice lies in Christ and his merits only

Strong's Number G1586 Bible Verses





from G1722 and the base of G5056; to enjoin:--(give) charge, (give) command(-ments), injoin.

  1. to order, command to be done, enjoin

Strong's Number G1781 Bible Verses





from G1849; to control:--exercise authority upon, bring under the (have) power of.

  1. to have power or authority, use power
    1. to be master of any one, exercise authority over one
    2. to be master of the body
      1. to have full and entire authority over the body
      2. to hold the body subject to one's will
    3. to be brought under the power of anyone

Strong's Number G1850 Bible Verses





from G1909 and G5177; to chance upon, i.e. (by implication) to attain:--obtain.

  1. to light or hit upon any person or thing
  2. to attain to, obtain

Strong's Number G2013 Bible Verses





a primary verb; to hold (used in very various applications, literally or figuratively, direct or remote; such as possession; ability, contiuity, relation, or condition):--be (able, × hold, possessed with), accompany, + begin to amend, can(+ -not), × conceive, count, diseased, do + eat, + enjoy, + fear, following, have, hold, keep, + lack, + go to law, lie, + must needs, + of necessity, + need, next, + recover, + reign, + rest, + return, × sick, take for, + tremble, + uncircumcised, use.

  1. to have, i.e. to hold
    1. to have (hold) in the hand, in the sense of wearing, to have (hold) possession of the mind (refers to alarm, agitating emotions, etc.), to hold fast keep, to have or comprise or involve, to regard or consider or hold as
  2. to have i.e. own, possess
    1. external things such as pertain to property or riches or furniture or utensils or goods or food etc.
    2. used of those joined to any one by the bonds of natural blood or marriage or friendship or duty or law etc, of attendance or companionship
  3. to hold one's self or find one's self so and so, to be in such or such a condition
  4. to hold one's self to a thing, to lay hold of a thing, to adhere or cling to
    1. to be closely joined to a person or a thing

Strong's Number G2192 Bible Verses





akin to the base of G2753; to "call" (properly, aloud, but used in a variety of applications, directly or otherwise):--bid, call (forth), (whose, whose sur-)name (was (called)).

  1. to call
    1. to call aloud, utter in a loud voice
    2. to invite
  2. to call i.e. to name, by name
    1. to give a name to
      1. to receive the name of, receive as a name
      2. to give some name to one, call his name
    2. to be called i.e. to bear a name or title (among men)
    3. to salute one by name

Strong's Number G2564 Bible Verses





from G2596 and G2919; to judge against, i.e. sentence:--condemn, damn.

  1. to give judgment against, to judge worthy of punishment
    1. to condemn
    2. by one's good example to render another's wickedness the more evident and censurable

Strong's Number G2632 Bible Verses





from G2596 and G2038; to work fully, i.e. accomplish; by implication, to finish, fashion:--cause, to (deed), perform, work (out).

  1. to perform, accomplish, achieve
  2. to work out i.e. to do that from which something results
    1. of things: bring about, result in
  3. to fashion i.e. render one fit for a thing

Strong's Number G2716 Bible Verses





properly, to distinguish, i.e. decide (mentally or judicially); by implication, to try, condemn, punish:--avenge, conclude, condemn, damn, decree, determine, esteem, judge, go to (sue at the) law, ordain, call in question, sentence to, think.

  1. to separate, put asunder, to pick out, select, choose
  2. to approve, esteem, to prefer
  3. to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of opinion
  4. to determine, resolve, decree
  5. to judge
    1. to pronounce an opinion concerning right and wrong
      1. to be judged, i.e. summoned to trial that one's case may be examined and judgment passed upon it
    2. to pronounce judgment, to subject to censure
      1. of those who act the part of judges or arbiters in matters of common life, or pass judgment on the deeds and words of others
  6. to rule, govern
    1. to preside over with the power of giving judicial decisions, because it was the prerogative of kings and rulers to pass judgment
  7. to contend together, of warriors and combatants
    1. to dispute
    2. in a forensic sense
      1. to go to law, have suit at law

Strong's Number G2919 Bible Verses





from G2962; to rule:--have dominion over, lord, be lord of, exercise lordship over.

  1. to be lord of, to rule, have dominion over
  2. of things and forces
    1. to exercise influence upon, to have power over

Strong's Number G2961 Bible Verses





a prolonged form of an otherwise obsolete verb; to talk, i.e. utter words:--preach, say, speak (after), talk, tell, utter. Compare G3004.

  1. to utter a voice or emit a sound
  2. to speak
    1. to use the tongue or the faculty of speech
    2. to utter articulate sounds
  3. to talk
  4. to utter, tell
  5. to use words in order to declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts
    1. to speak

Strong's Number G2980 Bible Verses





a prolonged form of a primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively (properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas G1209 is rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while G138 is more violent, to seize or remove)):--accept, + be amazed, assay, attain, bring, × when I call, catch, come on (X unto), + forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after), take (away, up).

  1. to take
    1. to take with the hand, lay hold of, any person or thing in order to use it
      1. to take up a thing to be carried
      2. to take upon one's self
    2. to take in order to carry away
      1. without the notion of violence, i,e to remove, take away
    3. to take what is one's own, to take to one's self, to make one's own
      1. to claim, procure, for one's self 1c
    4. to associate with one's self as companion, attendant
      1. of that which when taken is not let go, to seize, to lay hold of, apprehend
      2. to take by craft (our catch, used of hunters, fisherman, etc.), to circumvent one by fraud
      3. to take to one's self, lay hold upon, take possession of, i.e. to appropriate to one's self
      4. catch at, reach after, strive to obtain
      5. to take a thing due, to collect, gather (tribute)
    5. to take
      1. to admit, receive
      2. to receive what is offered
      3. not to refuse or reject
      4. to receive a person, give him access to one's self, 1d
  2. to regard any one's power, rank, external circumstances, and on that account to do some injustice or neglect something
    1. to take, to choose, select
    2. to take beginning, to prove anything, to make a trial of, to experience
  3. to receive (what is given), to gain, get, obtain, to get back

Strong's Number G2983 Bible Verses





from G3077; to distress; reflexively or passively, to be sad:--cause grief, grieve, be in heaviness, (be) sorrow(-ful), be (make) sorry.

  1. to make sorrowful
  2. to affect with sadness, cause grief, to throw into sorrow
  3. to grieve, offend
  4. to make one uneasy, cause him a scruple

Strong's Number G3076 Bible Verses





from G3474; to become insipid; figuratively, to make (passively, act) as a simpleton:--become fool, make foolish, lose savour.

  1. to be foolish, to act foolishly
    1. to make foolish
      1. to prove a person or a thing foolish
    2. to make flat and tasteless
      1. of salt that has lost its strength and flavour

Strong's Number G3471 Bible Verses





properly, to stare at (compare G3700), i.e. (by implication) to discern clearly (physically or mentally); by extension, to attend to; by Hebraism, to experience; passively, to appear:--behold, perceive, see, take heed.

  1. to see with the eyes
  2. to see with the mind, to perceive, know
  3. to see, i.e. become acquainted with by experience, to experience
  4. to see, to look to
    1. to take heed, beware
    2. to care for, pay heed to
  5. I was seen, showed myself, appeared

Strong's Number G3708 Bible Verses





from G4102; to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit; by implication, to entrust (especially one's spiritual well-being to Christ):--believe(-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with.

  1. to think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in
    1. of the thing believed
      1. to credit, have confidence
    2. in a moral or religious reference
      1. used in the NT of the conviction and trust to which a man is impelled by a certain inner and higher prerogative and law of soul
      2. to trust in Jesus or God as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing something: saving faith 1bc) mere acknowledgment of some fact or event: intellectual faith
  2. to entrust a thing to one, i.e. his fidelity
    1. to be intrusted with a thing

Strong's Number G4100 Bible Verses





from G4134; to make replete, i.e. (literally) to cram (a net), level up (a hollow), or (figuratively) to furnish (or imbue, diffuse, influence), satisfy, execute (an office), finish (a period or task), verify (or coincide with a prediction), etc.:--accomplish, × after, (be) complete, end, expire, fill (up), fulfil, (be, make) full (come), fully preach, perfect, supply.

  1. to make full, to fill up, i.e. to fill to the full
    1. to cause to abound, to furnish or supply liberally
      1. I abound, I am liberally supplied
  2. to render full, i.e. to complete
    1. to fill to the top: so that nothing shall be wanting to full measure, fill to the brim
    2. to consummate: a number
      1. to make complete in every particular, to render perfect
      2. to carry through to the end, to accomplish, carry out, (some undertaking)
    3. to carry into effect, bring to realisation, realise
      1. of matters of duty: to perform, execute
      2. of sayings, promises, prophecies, to bring to pass, ratify, accomplish
      3. to fulfil, i.e. to cause God's will (as made known in the law) to be obeyed as it should be, and God's promises (given through the prophets) to receive fulfilment

Strong's Number G4137 Bible Verses





apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application, more or less direct):--abide, + agree, appoint, × avenge, + band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast out, cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without any delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have, hold, × journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship, make, × mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain, perform, provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, × secure, shew, × shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law, work, yield. Compare G4238.

  1. to make
    1. with the names of things made, to produce, construct, form, fashion, etc.
    2. to be the authors of, the cause
    3. to make ready, to prepare
    4. to produce, bear, shoot forth
    5. to acquire, to provide a thing for one's self
    6. to make a thing out of something
    7. to (make i.e.) render one anything
      1. to (make i.e.) constitute or appoint one anything, to appoint or ordain one that
      2. to (make i.e.) declare one anything
    8. to put one forth, to lead him out
    9. to make one do something
      1. cause one to
    10. to be the authors of a thing (to cause, bring about)
  2. to do
    1. to act rightly, do well
      1. to carry out, to execute
    2. to do a thing unto one
      1. to do to one
    3. with designation of time: to pass, spend
    4. to celebrate, keep
      1. to make ready, and so at the same time to institute, the celebration of the passover
    5. to perform: to a promise

Strong's Number G4160 Bible Verses





from G4862 and G2983; to clasp, i.e. seize (arrest, capture); specially, to conceive (literally or figuratively); by implication, to aid:--catch, conceive, help, take.

  1. to seize, take: one as prisoner
  2. to conceive, of a woman
    1. metaph. of lust whose impulses a man indulges
  3. to seize for one's self
    1. in a hostile sense, to make (one a permanent) prisoner
  4. to take hold together with one, to assist, help, to succour

Strong's Number G4815 Bible Verses





from G4973; to stamp (with a signet or private mark) for security or preservation (literally or figuratively); by implication, to keep secret, to attest:--(set a, set to) seal up, stop.

  1. to set a seal upon, mark with a seal, to seal
    1. for security: from Satan
    2. since things sealed up are concealed (as the contents of a letter), to hide, keep in silence, keep secret
    3. in order to mark a person or a thing
      1. to set a mark upon by the impress of a seal or a stamp
      2. angels are said to be sealed by God
    4. in order to prove, confirm, or attest a thing
      1. to confirm authenticate, place beyond doubt 1d
    5. of a written document 1d
    6. to prove one's testimony to a person that he is what he professes to be

Strong's Number G4972 Bible Verses





to place (in the widest application, literally and figuratively; properly, in a passive or horizontal posture, and thus different from G2476, which properly denotes an upright and active position, while G2749 is properly reflexive and utterly prostrate):--+ advise, appoint, bow, commit, conceive, give, × kneel down, lay (aside, down, up), make, ordain, purpose, put, set (forth), settle, sink down.

  1. to set, put, place
    1. to place or lay
    2. to put down, lay down
      1. to bend down
      2. to lay off or aside, to wear or carry no longer
      3. to lay by, lay aside money
    3. to set on (serve) something to eat or drink
    4. to set forth, something to be explained by discourse
  2. to make
    1. to make (or set) for one's self or for one's use
  3. to set, fix establish
    1. to set forth
    2. to establish, ordain

Strong's Number G5087 Bible Verses





neuter plural of present participle active of G5225 as noun; things extant or in hand, i.e. property or possessions:--goods, that which one has, things which (one) possesseth, substance, that hast.

  1. possessions, goods, wealth, property

Strong's Number G5224 Bible Verses





from G5318; to render apparent (literally or figuratively):--appear, manifestly declare, (make) manifest (forth), shew (self).

  1. to make manifest or visible or known what has been hidden or unknown, to manifest, whether by words, or deeds, or in any other way
    1. make actual and visible, realised
    2. to make known by teaching
    3. to become manifest, be made known
    4. of a person
      1. expose to view, make manifest, to show one's self, appear
    5. to become known, to be plainly recognised, thoroughly understood
      1. who and what one is

Strong's Number G5319 Bible Verses





a primary verb -- for which other, and apparently not cognate ones are used in certain tenses only; namely, oio oy'-o; and enegko en-eng'-ko to "bear" or carry (in a very wide application, literally and figuratively, as follows):--be, bear, bring (forth), carry, come, + let her drive, be driven, endure, go on, lay, lead, move, reach, rushing, uphold.

  1. to carry
    1. to carry some burden
      1. to bear with one's self
    2. to move by bearing; move or, to be conveyed or borne, with the suggestion of force or speed
      1. of persons borne in a ship over the sea
      2. of a gust of wind, to rush
      3. of the mind, to be moved inwardly, prompted
    3. to bear up i.e. uphold (keep from falling)
      1. of Christ, the preserver of the universe
  2. to bear, i.e. endure, to endure the rigour of a thing, to bear patiently one's conduct, or spare one (abstain from punishing or destroying)
  3. to bring, bring to, bring forward
    1. to move to, apply
    2. to bring in by announcing, to announce
    3. to bear i.e. bring forth, produce; to bring forward in a speech
    4. to lead, conduct

Strong's Number G5342 Bible Verses





apparently a primary verb; to be beforehand, i.e. anticipate or precede; by extension, to have arrived at:--(already) attain, come, prevent.

  1. to come before, precede, anticipate
  2. to come to, arrive at
  3. to reach, attain to

Strong's Number G5348 Bible Verses





from a derivative of G5453; to set out in the earth, i.e. implant; figuratively, to instil doctrine:--plant.

  1. to plant

Strong's Number G5452 Bible Verses





from G5561; to be in (give) space, i.e. (intransitively) to pass, enter, or (transitively) to hold, admit (literally or figuratively):--come, contain, go, have place, (can, be room to) receive.

  1. to leave space (which may be filled or occupied by another), to make room, give place, yield
    1. to retire
    2. metaph. to betake one's self, turn one's self
  2. to go forward, advance, proceed, succeed
  3. to have space or room for receiving or holding something

Strong's Number G5562 Bible Verses

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Click "Add New Listing" to create a new listing.

Listing Title

Create a Title for your Listing here. Every Listing you create must have a Title.


Add Tags to your Listing here. Tags are keywords or keyphrases related to your Listing. Every Listing you create must have at least one Tag.


Jumblex Listings are free-form, giving you the power to add, remove, and reorder the Elements which make up your Listing.

Listing Type

To save time, you may choose a pre-defined Listing Type, such as "Article", "Classified", "Directory Listing", or "Recipe", which selects typical Elements related to each of those Listing Types.